

Solid State Physics: An Introduction, Wiley-VCH (2008), second edition 2015, third edition 2022.

Einführung in die Festkörperphysik, Wiley-VCH (2013).

Surface Physics: An Introduction, self-published (2013).

Book Chapters

Electron-Phonon Coupling in Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, eds. U. Bovensiepen, H. Petek, M. Wolf (co-authored with E. V. Chulkov and I. Slyadneva), Wiley-VCH (2010).

Synchrotron-Radiation Studies of Topological Insulators, Springer Proceedings in Physics (VIth Mittelwihr school on Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation) (2013), arxiv:1210.2672.

Surface Electronic Structure of Topological Insulators in Topological Insulators- Fundamentals and Perspectives, eds. F. Ortmann, S. Roche and S. Valenzuela, Wiley-VCH (2015).

Non peer-reviewed publications

Looking at electronic wave functions on metal surfaces, B.G. Briner, Ph. Hofmann, M. Doering, H.-P. Rust, A.M. Bradshaw, L. Petersen, P.T. Sprunger, E. Lægsgaard, F. Besenbacher and E.W. Plummer, Europhysics News, September/December, 149 (1997).

Bilayer graphene: a little twist with big consequences, Philip Hofmann, Nature Materials 12, 874 (2013).

At lede eller ikke at lede, Nikokaj Zinner and Philip Hofmann, Aktuel Naturvidenskab 5, 26 (2013).

Dansk forskning bliver isoleret, Philip Hofmann, Berlingske, (11.11.2015).

Dynamic Quantum Matter, Alexander V. Balatsky, Jason T. Haraldsen, Annica M. Black‐Schaffer, Anna Pertsova, Philip Hofmann,
Annalen der Physik 532, 2000037 (2020).

Editorial, Focus Issue ARPES Studies of Topological Materials, Philip Hofmann and Philip D. C. King,
Electronic Structure 3, 020201 (2021).

Peer-reviewed journals

(see also Google Scholar, ORCID)


271. From strong to weak correlations in breathing-mode kagome van der Waals materials: Nb3(F,Cl,Br,I)8 as a robust and versatile platform for many-body engineering Joost Aretz, Sergii Grytsiuk, Xiaojing Liu, Giovanna Feraco, Chrystalla Knekna, Muhammad Waseem, Zhiying Dan, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Mazhar N. Ali, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Hugo U. R. Strand, Erik G. C. P. van Loon and Malte Rösner, arxiv2501.10320

270. An autoencoder for compressing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Thi Tam Truong, Marco Bianchi, Nikita Klyuchnikov, Davide Mottin, Panagiotis Karras and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2407.04631
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, in press.

269. A machine-learning approach to understanding ultrafast carrier dynamics in the 3D Brillouin zone of PtBi2, Paulina Majchrzak, Charlotte Sanders, Yu Zhang, Andrii Kuibarov, Oleksandr Suvorov, Emma Springate, Iryna Kovalchuk, Saicharan Aswartham, Grigory Shipunov, Bernd Büchner, Alexander Yaresko, Sergey Borisenko, Philip Hofmann, arxiv2406.10550 , arxiv2406.10551
Physical Review Research 7, 013025 (2025).

268. Direct view of gate-tunable miniband dispersion in graphene superlattices near the magic twist angle, Zhihao Jiang, Dongkyu Lee, Alfred J. H. Jones, Youngju Park, Kimberly Hsieh, Paulina Majchrzak, Chakradhar Sahoo, Thomas S. Nielsen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Philip Hofmann, Jill A. Miwa, Yong P. Chen, Jeil Jung, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv2405.17148
ACS Nano, in press.


267. A metastable pentagonal 2D material synthesized by symmetry-driven epitaxy, Lina Liu, Yujin Ji, Marco Bianchi, Saban M Hus, Zheshen Li, Richard Balog, Jill A Miwa, Philip Hofmann, An-Ping Li, Dmitry Y Zemlyanov, Youyong Li, Yong P Chen
Nature Materials (2024).

266. Multiphase superconductivity at the interface between ultrathin FeTe islands and Bi2Te3, V. Tkáč, S. Vorobiov, P. Baloh, M. Vondráček, G. Springholz, K. Carva, P. Szabó, Ph. Hofmann and J. Honolka,
npj 2D materials and applications 8, 52 (2024)

265. Unraveling oxygen-driven surface segregation dynamics in platinum-gold alloys, Andrea Berti, Matteo D’Alessio, Marco Bianchi, Luca Bignardi, Paolo Lacovig, Charlotte Sanders, Silvano Lizzit, Philip Hofmann, Antimo Marrazzo, Alessandro Baraldi,
Applied Surface Science 160577 (2024).

264. Kramers nodal line in the charge density wave state of YTe3 and the influence of twin domains, Shuvam Sarkar, Joydipto Bhattacharya, Pramod Bhakuni, Pampa Sadhukhan, Rajib Batabyal, Christos D. Malliakas, Marco Bianchi, Davide Curcio, Shubhankar Roy, Arnab Pariari, Vasant G. Sathe, Prabhat Mandal, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Philip Hofmann, Aparna Chakrabarti, Sudipta Roy Barman, arxiv2405.10222

263. 2D electron gas formation on InAs Wurtzite nanosheet surfaces, S. Benter, M. Bianchi, D. Pan, J. Zhao, H. Q. Xu, R. Timm, Ph. Hofmann and A. Mikkelsen
Applied Physics Letters 124, 153104 (2024).

262. Autonomous micro-focus angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Alfred J. H. Jones, Davide Curcio, Søren Ulstrup, Jill Miwa, Davide Mottin, Panagiotis Karras, Philip Hofmann, arxiv2403.13815
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 055106 (2024).

261. Mixed-valence state approaching the single-impurity limit in La-substituted SmB6, Marta Zonno, Matteo Michiardi, Fabio Boschini, Giorgio Levy, Klara Volkaert, Davide Curcio, Marco Bianchi, Priscila FS Rosa, Zachary Fisk, Philip Hofmann, Ilya S Elfimov, Robert J Green, George A Sawatzky, Andrea Damascelli, arxiv2309.05706
Nature Communications 15, 7621 (2024).

260. Access to the full 3D Brillouin zone with time resolution, using a new tool for pump-probe ARPES, Paulina Majchrzak, Yu Zhang, Andrii Kuibarov, Richard Chapman, Adam Wyatt, Emma Springate, Sergey Borisenko, Bernd Büchner, Philip Hofmann, Charlotte E Sanders, arxiv2309.11535
Review of Scientific Instruments, 95, 063001 (2024).


259. Charge transfer-induced Lifshitz transition and magnetic symmetry breaking in ultrathin CrSBr crystals, Marco Bianchi, Kimberly Hsieh, Esben Juel Porat, Florian Dirnberger, Julian Klein, Kseniia Mosina, Zdenek Sofer, Alexander N. Rudenko, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Yong P. Chen, Malte Rösner and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2307.12675
Physical Review B 108, 195410 (2023).

258. Surface Electronic Structure Engineering of Manganese Bismuth Tellurides Guided by Micro‐Focused Angle‐Resolved Photoemission, Klara Volckaert, Paulina Majchrzak, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alfred JH Jones, Marco Bianchi, Zhihao Jiang, Raphaël Dubourg, Rasmus Ørnekoll Stenshøj, Mads Lykke Jensen, Nykola C Jones, Søren V Hoffmann, Jian‐Li Mi, Martin Bremholm, Xing‐Chen Pan, Yong P Chen, Philip Hofmann, Jill A Miwa and Søren Ulstrup,
Advanced Materials 2301907 (2023).

257. Paramagnetic Electronic Structure of CrSBr: Comparison between Ab Initio GW Theory and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Marco Bianchi, Swagata Acharya, Florian Dirnberger, Julian Klein, Dimitar Pashov, Kseniia Mosina, Zdenek Sofer, Alexander N. Rudenko, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Mark van Schilfgaarde, Malte Rösner and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2203.01290
Physical Review B 107, 235107 (2023) (editor’s suggestion).

256. Current driven insulator-to-metal transition without Mott breakdown in Ca2RuO4, Davide Curcio, Charlotte E. Sanders, Alla Chikina, Henriette E. Lund, Marco Bianchi, Veronica Granata, Marco Cannavacciuolo, Giuseppe Cuono, Carmine Autieri, Filomena Forte, Alfonso Romano, Mario Cuoco, Pavel Dudin, Jose Avila, Craig Polley, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Rosalba Fittipaldi, Antonio Vecchione and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2303.00662
Physical Review B 108, L161105 (2023).

255. MARIGOLD: Efficient k-means Clustering in High Dimensions, Kasper Overgaard Mortensen, Fatemeh Zardbani, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Davide Mottin, Philip Hofmann and Panagiotis Karras,
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 16, 1740 (2023).

254. Status and strategy at ISA, centre for storage ring facilities, Aarhus University, Denmark, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Søren V Hoffmann, Nykola C Jones, Zheshen Li, Jill A Miwa, Søren P Møller, Jørgen S Nielsen, Heine D Thomsen, Søren Ulstrup and Torben Worm,
The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1 (2023).

253. Charge density wave induced nodal lines in LaTe3, Shuvam Sarkar, Joydipto Bhattacharya, Pampa Sadhukhan, Davide Curcio, Rajeev Dutt, Vipin Kumar Singh, Marco Bianchi, Arnab Pariari, Shubhankar Roy, Prabhat Mandal, Tanmoy Das, Philip Hofmann, Aparna Chakrabarti and Sudipta Roy Barman, arxiv2212.01181 
Nature Communications 14, 3628 (2023).

252. Charge density wave-generated Fermi surfaces in NdTe3, Alla Chikina, Henriette Lund, Marco Bianchi, Davide Curcio, Kirstine J. Dalgaard, Martin Bremholm, Shiming Lei, Ratnadwip Singha, Leslie M. Schoop and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2209.04226
Physical Review B 107, L161103 (2023).


251. Experimental Realization of Semiconducting Monolayer Si2Te2 Films, Xiaochun Huang, Rui Xiong, Klara Volckaert, Chunxue Hao, Deepnarayan Biswas, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Philip Beck, Jonas Warmuth, Baisheng Sa, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, arxiv2206.00919
Advanced Functional Materials 2208281 (2022).

250. Tracking the surface atomic motion in a coherent phonon oscillation, Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Kevin Bühlmann, Federico Pressacco, Michael Heber, Siarhei Dziarzhytski, Yves Acremann, Jure Demsar, Wilfried Wurth, Charlotte E. Sanders and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2205.13212
Physical Review B 106, L201409 (2022).

249. One-dimensional electronic states in a natural misfit structure, Alla Chikina, Gargee Bhattacharyya, Davide Curcio, Charlotte E Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Nicola Lanata, Matthew Watson, Cephise Cacho, Martin Bremholm and Philip Hofmann, arxiv2205.05470
Physical Review Materials 6, L092001 (2022).

248. Uniaxially Aligned 1D Sandwich-Molecular Wires: Electronic Structure and Magnetism, Stefan Kraus, Alexander Herman, Felix Huttmann, Marco Bianchi, Raluca-Maria Stan, Ann Julie Holt, Shigeru Tsukamoto, Nico Rothenbach, Katharina Ollefs, Jan Dreiser, Ken Bischof, Heiko Wende, Philip Hofmann, Nicolae Atodiresei, Thomas Michely,
J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 3140 (2022).

247. Fermi surface tomography, Sergey Borisenko, Alexander Fedorov, Andrii Kuibarov, Marco Bianchi, Volodymyr Bezguba, Paulina Majchrzak, Philip Hofmann, Peter Baumgärtel, Vladimir Voroshnin, Yevhen Kushnirenko, Jaime Sanches-Barriga, Andrey Varykhalov, Ruslan Ovsyannikov, Igor Morozov, Saicharan Aswartham, Oleg Feya, Luminita Harnagea, Sabine Wurmehl, Alexander Kordyuk, Alexander Yaresko, Helmuth Berger, Bernd Büchner, arxiv2105.15055
Nature Communications 13, 4132 (2022).

246. Optical manipulation of Rashba-split 2-Dimensional Electron Gas, M. Michiardi, F. Boschini, H.-H. Kung, M.X. Na, S.K.Y. Dufresne, A. Currie, G. Levy, S. Zhdanovich, A.K. Mills, D.J. Jones, J.L. Mi, B.B. Iversen, Ph. Hofmann, A. Damascelli, arxiv2105.09320
Nature Communications 13, 3096 (2022).

245. Single-crystal graphene on Ir(110), Stefan Kraus, Felix Huttmann, Jeison Fischer, Timo Knispel, Ken Bischof, Alexander Herman, Marco Bianchi, Raluca-Maria Stan, Ann Julie Holt, Vasile Caciuc, Shigeru Tsukamoto, Heiko Wende, Philip Hofmann, Nicolae Atodiresei, Thomas Michely, arxiv2109.04198
Phys. Rev. B 105, 165405 (2022).


244. Anisotropic strain in epitaxial single-layer molybdenum disulfide on Ag(110), Luca Bignardi, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Daniel Lizzit, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Paolo Lacovig, Charlotte Sanders, Alessandro Baraldi, Philip Hofmann and Silvano Lizzit
Nanoscale 13, 18789 (2021).

243. Proximity effects in the charge density wave order and superconductivity in single-layer NbSe2, Wen Wan, Paul Dreher, Alla Chikina, Haojie Guo, Rishav Harsh, Marco Bianchi, Marco Gobbi, Jose-Maria Gomez-Rodriguez, Antonio Martinez-Galera, Philip Hofmann, Jill Miwa, Miguel Ugeda,
ACS Nano 15, 19430 (2021).

242. Bulk band structure of Sb2Te3 determined by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Henriette E. Lund, Klara Volckaert, Paulina Majchrzak, Alfred J. H. Jones, Marco Bianchi, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, arxiv2109.01891
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 26401 (2021).

241. Visualizing band structure hybridization and superlattice effects in twisted MoS2/WS2 heterobilayers, Alfred J. H. Jones, Ryan Muzzio, Sahar Pakdel, Deepnarayan Biswas, Davide Curcio, Nicola Lanatà, Philip Hofmann, Kathleen M. McCreary, Berend T. Jonker, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Simranjeet Singh, Roland J. Koch, Chris Jozwiak, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Jill A. Miwa, Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv2106.00403
2D Materials 9, 015032 (2021).

240. Disorder-induced time effect in the antiferromagnetic domain state of Fe1+yTe,Jan Fikáček, Jonas Warmuth, Fabian Arnold, Cinthia Piamonteze, Zhiqiang Mao, Václav Holý, Philip Hofmann, Martin Bremholm, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, Jan Honolka, arxiv2101.00453
J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 540,168426 (2021).

239. Ultrafast electronic line width broadening in the C 1s core level of graphene, Davide Curcio, Sahar Pakdel, Klara Volckaert, Jill A. Miwa, Søren Ulstrup, Nicola Lanata, Marco Bianchi, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Federico Pressacco, Günter Brenner, Siarhei Dziarzhytski, Harald Redlin, Steinn Agustsson, Katerina Medjanik, Dmitry Vasilyev, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Gerd Schönhense, Christian Tusche, Ying-Jiun Chen, Florian Speck, Thomas Seyller, Kevin Bühlmann, Rafael Gort, Florian Diekmann, Kai Rossnagel, Yves Acremann, Jure Demsar, Wilfried Wurth, Daniel Lizzit, Luca Bignardi, Paolo Lacovig, Silvano Lizzit, Charlotte E. Sanders, Philip Hofmann, arxiv2105.10472
Phys. Rev. B 104, L161104 (2021).

238. Assessment of myelination in infants and young children by T1 relaxation time measurements using MP2RAGE, Fabienne, Kühne, Wolf-Julian Neumann, Philip Hofmann, Jose Marques, Angela Kaindl, Anna Tietze
Pediatric Radiology 51, 2058 (2021).

237. Electronic Properties of Single-Layer CoO2/Au(111), Ann Julie U. Holt, Sahar Pakdel, Jonathan Rodríguez-Fernández, Yu Zhang, Davide Curcio, Zhaozong Sun, Paolo Lacovig, Yong-Xin Yao, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Silvano Lizzit, Nicola Lanatà, Philip Hofmann, Marco Bianchi, Charlotte E. Sanders, arxiv2104.02791
2D Materials 8, 035050 (2021).

236. Spectroscopic view of ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in single- and bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, P. Majchrzak, K. Volckaert, A. G. Cabo, D. Biswas, M. Bianchi, S. K. Mahatha, M. Dendzik, F. Andreatta, S. S. Grønborg, I. Marković, J. M. Riley, J. C. Johannsen, D. Lizzit, L. Bignardi, S. Lizzit, C. Cacho, O. Alexander, D. Matselyukh, A. S. Wyatt, R. T. Chapman, E. Springate, J. V. Lauritsen, P. D. C. King, C. E. Sanders, J. A. Miwa, P. Hofmann, S. Ulstrup, arxiv2103.16975
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 250, 147093 (2021).

235. In‐Operando NanoARPES: Spatial Mapping of the Electronic Structure of Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Paulina Majchrzak, Ryan Muzzio, Alfred J. H. Jones, Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Jacob Gobbo, Simranjeet Singh, Jeremy T. Robinson, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup
Small Science 2000075 (2021).

234. Structural and electronic inhomogeneity of superconducting Nb-doped Bi2Se3, Simone M. Kevy, Henriette E. Lund, Laura Wollesen, Kirstine J.  Dalgaard, Yu-Te Hsu, Steffen Wiedmann, Marco Bianchi, Ann Julie Utne Holt,Davide Curcio, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alfred J. H. Jones, Klara Volckaert, Cephise Cacho, Pavel Dudin, Philip Hofmann and Martin Bremholm,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 085107 (2021).

233. In operando devices studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Philip Hofmann, arxiv2011.11490
AVS Quantum Science 3, 021101 (2021).

232. Hot carrier-assisted switching of the electron-phonon interaction in 1T-VSe2, Paulina Majchrzak, Sahar Pakdel, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alfred J. H. Jones, Klara Volckaert, Igor Marković, Federico Andreatta, Raman Sankar, Chris Jozwiak, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Charlotte E. Sanders, Yu Zhang, Gabriel Karras, Richard T. Chapman, Adam Wyatt, Emma Springate, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Phil D. C. King, Nicola Lanata, Young Jun Chang, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv2011.06358
Phys. Rev. B 103, L241108 (2021).

231. Tuning the doping of epitaxial graphene on a conventional semiconductor via substrate surface reconstruction, Miriam Galbiati, Luca Persichetti, Paola Gori, Olivia Pulci, Marco Bianchi, Luciana Di Gaspare, Jerry Tersoff, Camilla Coletti, Philip Hofmann, Monica De Seta, Luca Camilli, arxiv2010.08404
Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 1262 (2021).

230. Ultrafast triggering of insulator-metal transition in two-dimensional VSe2, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alfred J. H. Jones, Paulina Majchrzak, Byoung Ki Choi, Tsung-Han Lee, Klara Volckaert, Jiagui Feng, Igor Marković, Federico Andreatta, Chang-Jong Kang, Hyuk Jin Kim, In Hak Lee, Chris Jozwiak, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Charlotte E. Sanders, Yu Zhang, Gabriel Karras, Richard T. Chapman, Adam S. Wyatt, Emma Springate, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Phil D. C. King, Young Jun Chang, Nicola Lanata, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv2007.13355
Nano Letters 21, 1968 (2021).

229.Inelastic helium atom scattering from Sb 2Te3(111): Phonon dispersion, focusing effects and surfing, Adrian Ruckhofer, Simon Halbritter, Henriette Elisabeth Lund, Ann Julie Holt, Marco Bianchi, Martin Bremholm, Giorgio Benedek, Philip Hofmann, Wolfgang E Ernst, Anton Tamtögl,
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 7806 (2021).

228. Moiré induced electronic structure in monolayer V2S3 on Au(111), Umut Kamber, Sahar Pakdel, Raluca-Maria Stan, Anand Kamlapure, Brian Kiraly, Fabian Arnold, Andreas Eich, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Charlotte E. Sanders, Nicola Lanatà, Philip Hofmann, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, arXiv:2007.11962
Phys. Rev. B 103, 115414 (2021).


227. Decoupling Molybdenum Disulfide from Its Substrate by Cesium Intercalation, Roberto Sant, Simone Lisi, Van Dung Nguyen, Estelle Mazaleyrat, Ana Cristina Gómez Herrero, Olivier Geaymond, Valérie Guisset, Philippe David, Alain Marty, Matthieu Jamet, Claude Chapelier, Laurence Magaud, Yannick J. Dappe, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Gilles Renaud, and Johann Coraux, arxiv2006.05765
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 12397 (2020).

226. Observation of Electrically Tunable van Hove Singularities in Twisted Bilayer Graphene from NanoARPES, Alfred J. H. Jones, Ryan Muzzio, Paulina Majchrzak, Sahar Pakdel, Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Jacob Gobbo, Simranjeet Singh, Jeremy T. Robinson, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Timur K. Kim, Cephise Cacho, Nicola Lanata, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv2006.00791
Advanced Materials 2001656, (2020)

225. Observation and origin of the Delta manifold in Si:P delta-layers, Ann Julie Holt, Sanjoy K Mahatha, Raluca-Maria Stan, Frode S Strand, Thomas Nyborg, Davide Curcio, Alex K Schenk, Simon P Cooil, Marco Bianchi, Justin W Wells, Philip Hofmann, Jill A Miwa
Phys. Rev. B 101, 121402 (2020).

224. Nanoscale measurement of water diffusion on a topological insulator: The origin of correlated motion and friction, Anton Tamtögl, Marco Sacchi, Nadav Avidor, Irene Calvo-Almazán, Peter SM Townsend, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, John Ellis, William Allison,
Nature Communications 11, 278 (2020)

223. Momentum-resolved view of highly tunable many-body effects in a graphene/hBN field-effect device, Ryan Muzzio, Alfred J. H. Jones, Davide Curcio, Deepnarayan Biswas, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Simranjeet Singh, Chris Jozwiak, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Roland J. Koch, Søren Ulstrup, Jyoti Katoch, arxiv:2001.03355
Physical Review B 101, 201409 (2020)

222. Observation of an excitonic Mott transition through ultrafast core-cum-conduction photoemission spectroscopy, Maciej Dendzik, R. Patrick Xian, Enrico Perfetto, Davide Sangalli, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Shuo Dong, Samuel Beaulieu, Tommaso Pincelli, Federico Pressacco, Davide Curcio, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Michael Heber, Jasper Hauer, Wilfried Wurth, Günter Brenner, Yves Acremann, Philip Hofmann, Martin Wolf, Andrea Marini, Gianluca Stefanucci, Laurenz Rettig, Ralph Ernstorfer, arxiv2003.12925
Physical Review Letters 125, 096401 (2020).

221. Accessing the spectral function in a current-carrying device, Davide Curcio, Alfred J. H. Jones, Ryan Muzzio, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Charlotte E. Sanders, Pavel Dudin, Cephise Cacho, Simranjeet Singh, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jill A. Miwa, Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup, Philip Hofmann, arxiv:2001.09891
Physical Review Letters, 125, 236403 (2020).

220. The Sub-band Structure of Atomically Sharp Dopant Profiles in Silicon Federico Mazzola, Chin-Yi Chen, Rajib Rahman, Xie-Gang Zhu, Craig M. Polley, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Phil D. C. King, Philip Hofmann, Jill A. Miwa and Justin W. Wells, arxiv1904.10929
npj Quantum Materials 5, 34 (2020)

219. Crediting multi-authored papers to single authors, Anna Tietze, Serge Galam and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1905.01943
Physica A 554, 124652 (2020)

218. THz Surface Modes and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Bi2Se3(111), Adrian Ruckhofer, Davide Campi, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, Giorgio Bendek, Marco Bernasconi, Wolfgang E. Ernst, Anton Tamtögl, arxiv1907.01864
Physical Review Research 2, 023186 (2020)

217. The occupied electronic structure of ultrathin boron doped diamond, A. K. Schenk, A. C. Pakpour-Tabrizi, A. J. U. Holt, S. K. Mahatha, F. Arnold, M. Bianchi, R. B. Jackman, J. A. Miwa, Ph. Hofmann, S. P. Cooil, J. W. Wells, F. Mazzola, arxiv1907.00673
Nanoscale Advances 2, 1358 (2020).

216. An open-source, distributed workflow for band mapping data in multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy, Rui Patrick Xian, Yves Acremann, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Maciej Dendzik, Kevin Bühlmann, Davide Curcio, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Frederico Pressacco, Michael Heber, Shuo Dong, Jure Demsar, Wilfried Wurth, Philip Hofmann, Martin Wolf, Laurenz Rettig, Ralph Ernstorfer, arxiv1909.07714
Scientific Data 7, 442 (2020)

215. Observation and origin of the delta-manifold in Si:P delta-layers, Ann Julie Holt, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Raluca-Maria Stan, Frode S. Strand, Thomas Nyborg, Davide Curcio, Alex Schenk, Simon P. Cooil, Marco Bianchi, Justin W. Wells, Philip Hofmann, Jill A. Miwa, arxiv1911.08274
Physical Review B 101, 121402(R) (2020)

214. First time- and momentum-resolved photoemission studies using time-of-flight momentum microscopy at a free-electron laser, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, R. Patrick Xian, Maciej Dendzik, Michael Heber, Federico Pressacco, Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Lukas Wenthaus, Holger Meyer, Sven Gieschen, Giuseppe Mercurio, Adrian Benz, Kevin Bühlman, Simon Däster, Rafael Gort, Davide Curcio, Klara Volckaert, Marco Bianchi, Charlote Sanders, Jill Miwa, Søren Ulstrup, Andreas Oelsner, Christian Tusche, Ying-Jiun Chen, Dmitrii Vasilyev, Katerina Medjanik, Günter Brenner, Siarhei Dziarzhytski, Harald Redlin, Bastian Manschwetus, Jasper Hauer, Shuo Dong, Laurenz Rettig, Jure Demsar, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Philip Hofmann, Ralph Ernstorfer, Gerd Schönhense, Yves Acremann, Wilfried Wurth, arxiv1906.12155
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 013109 (2020).


213. Layer and orbital interference effects in photoemission from transition metal dichalcogenides, Habib Rostami, Klara Volckaert, Nicola Lanata, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Charlotte E. Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Daniel Lizzit, Luca Bignardi, Silvano Lizzit, Jill A. Miwa, Alexander V. Balatsky, Philip Hofmann, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv1910.01882
Physical Review B 100, 235423 (2019).

212. Momentum-resolved linear dichroism in bilayer MoS2, Klara Volckaert, Habib Rostami, Deepnarayan Biswas, Igor Markovic, Federico Andreatta, Charlotte E. Sanders, Paulina Majchrzak, Cephise Cacho, Richard T. Chapman, Adam Wyatt, Emma Springate, Daniel Lizzit, Luca Bignardi, Silvano Lizzit, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Marco Bianchi, Nicola Lanata, Phil D. C. King, Jill A. Miwa, Alexander V. Balatsky, Philip Hofmann, Søren Ulstrup, arxiv1910.01848
Physical Review B, 100, 241406(R) (2019).

211. Basal plane oxygen exchange of epitaxial MoS2 without edge oxidation, Signe S Grønbrog, Kristbjörg Thorarinsdottir, Line Kyhl, Jonathan Rodríguez-Fernández, Charlotte Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Jill A Miwa, Søren Ulstrup, Jeppe Vang Lauritsen,
2D Materials 6, 045013 (2019).

210. Larger than 80% Valley Polarization of Free Carriers in Singly-Oriented Single Layer WS2 on Au(111), H. Beyer, G. Rohde, A. Grubišic Cabo, A. Stange, T. Jacobsen, L. Bignardi, D. Lizzit, P. Lacovig, C. E. Sanders, S. Lizzit, K. Rossnagel, P. Hofmann, M. Bauer, arxiv1907.10553
Physical Review Letters 123, 236802 (2019).

209. A universal approach for the synthesis of two-dimensional binary compounds, Abhay Shivayogimath, Joachim Dahl Thomsen, David M. A. Mackenzie, Mathias Geisler, Raluca-Maria Stan, Ann Julie Holt, Marco Bianchi, Andrea Crovetto, Patrick R. Whelan, Alexandra Carvalho, Antonio H. Castro Neto, Philip Hofmann, Nicolas Stenger, Peter Bøggild and Timothy J. Booth,
Nature Communications 10, 2957 (2019).

208. Anisotropic two-dimensional screening at the surface of black phosphorus, Brian Kiraly, Elze J. Knol, Klara Volckaert, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alexander N. Rudenko, Danil A. Prishchenko, Vladimir G. Mazurenko, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Philip Hofmann, Daniel Wegner, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, arxiv1906.02607
Physical Review Letters 123, 216403 (2019).

207. Dynamic cerebellar herniation in Chiari patients during the cardiac cycle evaluated by dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mia Tietze, Andreas Schaumann, Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale, Philip Hofmann and Anna Tietze,
Neuroradiology 61, 825 (2019).

206. Nanoscale imaging of quasiparticle band alignment, Søren Ulstrup, Cristina E. Giusca, Jill A. Miwa, Charlotte E. Sanders, Alex Browning, Pavel Dudin, Cephise Cacho, Olga Kazakova, D. Kurt Gaskill, Rachael L. Myers-Ward, Tianyi Zhang, Mauricio Terrones, Philip Hofmann, arxiv1903.05345
Nature Communications 10, 3283 (2019).

205.Transient Hot Electron Dynamics in Single-Layer TaS2, Federico Andreatta, Habib Rostami, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Marco Bianchi, Charlotte E. Sanders, Deepnarayan Biswas, Cephise Cacho, Alfred J. H. Jones, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Phil D. C. King, Jill A. Miwa, Alexander Balatsky, Søren Ulstrup, Philip Hofmann, arxiv1901.07819
Physical Review B 99, 165421 (2019).

204. Epitaxial single layer NbS2 on Au(111): synthesis, structure, and electronic properties, Raluca-Maria Stan, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Marco Bianchi, Charlotte E. Sanders, Davide Curcio, Philip Hofmann, Jill A. Miwa, arXiv:1901.03552
Physical Review Materials 3, 044003 (2019).

203. The h-index and multi-author h_m-index for individual researchers in condensed matter physics, Anna Tietze and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1901.02880
Scientometrics 119, 171 (2019).

202. Pseudodoping of Metallic Two-Dimensional Materials by The Supporting Substrates, Bin Shao, Andreas Eich, Charlotte Sanders, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Tim O. Wehling, arxiv1807.00756
Nature Communications 10, 180 (2019).

201. Strong-coupling charge density wave in a one-dimensional topological metal, Philip Hofmann, Miguel Ugeda, Antonio J. Martínez-Galera, Anna Strózecka, Jose M. Gómez-Rodríguez, Emile Rienks, Maria Fuglsang Jensen, J.I. Pascual, Justin W. Wells, arxiv1707.03328
Physical Review B 99, 035438 (2019).

200. Suppression of Mirror Domains in the Epitaxial Growth of Single Layer WS2, Luca Bignardi, Daniel Lizzit, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Paolo Lacovig, Charlotte E. Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Marco Bianchi, Moritz Ewert, Lars Buß, Jens Falta, Jan Ingo Flege, Alessandro Baraldi, Rosanna Larciprete, Philip Hofmann, Silvano Lizzit, arxi1806.04928
Physical Review Mat. 3, 014003 (2019).

199. Influence of an anomalous temperature-dependence of the phase coherence length on the conductivity of magnetic topological insulators, V. Tkác, K. Výborný, V. Komanický, J. Warmuth, M. Michiardi, A. S. Ngankeu, R. Tarasenko M. Vališka, V. Stetsovych, K. Carva, I. Garate, M. Bianchi, J. Wiebe, V. Holý, Ph. Hofmann, G. Springholz, V. Sechovský, J. Honolka, arxiv:1806.10014
Physical Review Letters 123, 036406 (2019).


198. Quasi-free-standing single-layer WS2 achieved by intercalation, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Maciej Dendzik, Charlotte E. Sanders, Matteo Michiardi, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1811.05748
Phys. Rev. Mat. 2, 124001 (2018).

197. Electron-phonon coupling in single-layer MoS2, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Nicki Frank Hinsche, Ingrid Mertig, Kevin Guilloy, Peter L. Matzen, Marco Bianchi, Charlotte E. Sanders, Jill A. Miwa, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Paolo Lacovig, Luca Bignardi, Daniel Lizzit, Rosanna Larciprete, Alessandro Baraldi, Silvano Lizzit and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1811.07297
Surface Science 681, 64 (2018).

196. Spin structure of K valleys in single-layer WS2 on Au(111), Philipp Eickholt, Charlotte Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Luca Bignardi, Daniel Lizzit, Silvano Lizzit, Albert Bruix, Philip Hofmann, Markus Donath, arxiv1807.11235
Physical Review Letters 121, 136402 (2018).

195. Nanoscale Surface Dynamics of Bi2Te3(111): Observation of a Prominent Surface Acoustic Wave and the Role of van der Waals Interactions, Anton Tamtögl, Davide Campi, Martin Bremholm, Ellen Marie Lund Jensen, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Nicola Marzari, Giorgio Benedek, John Ellis and Bill Allison
Nanoscale 10, 14627 (2018).

194. Novel single-layer vanadium sulphide phases, Fabian Arnold, Raluca-Maria Stan, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, H. E. Lund, Davide Curcio, Maciej Dendzik, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Luca Bignardi, Paolo Lacovig, Daniel Lizzit, Zheshen Li, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Martin Bremholm, Silvano Lizzit, Philip Hofmann, C. E. Sanders, arxiv1803.07999
2D Materials 4, 0454009 (2018).

193. A Helium-Surface Interaction Potential of Bi2Te3(111) from Ultrahigh-Resolution Spin-Echo Measurements, Anton Tamtögl, Michael Pusterhofer, Martin Bremholm, Ellen M. J. Hedegaard, Bo B. Iversen, Philip Hofmann, John Ellis, William Allison, S. Miret-Artés and Wolfgang E. Ernst, arxiv1802.06605
Surface Science 678, 25 (2018).

192. Epitaxial Growth of Single-Orientation High-Quality MoS2 Monolayers, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Luca Bignardi, Paolo Lacovig, Charlotte E. Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Marco Bianchi, Daniel Lizzit, Francesco Presel, Dario De Angelis, Nicoleta Apostol, Pranab Kumar Das, Jun Fujii, Ivana Vobornik, Rosanna Larciprete, Alessandro Baraldi, Philip Hofmann and Silvano Lizzit, arxiv1802.02220
2D Materials 5, 035012 (2018).

191. Photoemission Investigation of Oxygen Intercalated Epitaxial Graphene on Ru(0001), Søren Ulstrup, Paolo Lacovig, Fabrizio Orlando, Daniel Lizzit, Luca Bignardi, Matteo Dalmiglio, Marco Bianchi, Federico Mazzola, Alessandro Baraldi, Rosanna Larciprete, Philip Hofmann and Silvano Lizzit, arxiv1802.00075
Surface Science 678, 57 (2018).

190. Simultaneous conduction and valence band quantisation in ultra-shallow, high density doping profiles in semiconductors, F. Mazzola, J. W. Wells, A. C. Pakpour-Tabrizi, R. B. Jackman, B. Thiagarajan, Ph. Hofmann, J. A. Miwa, arxiv1801.00373
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 046403 (2018).

189. Enhanced spin ordering temperature in ultrathin FeTe films grown on a topological insulator, Udai Raj Singh, Jonas Warmuth, Anand Kamlapure, Lasse Cornils, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, arxiv1711.10406
Physical Review B, 97.144513 (2018).

188. Domain imaging across the magneto-structural phase transition in Fe1+yTe, Jonas Warmuth, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, arxiv1711.11387
npj Quantum Materials 3, 21 (2018).

187. Exciting H2 Molecules for Graphene Functionalization, Line Kyhl, Regis Bisson, Richard Balog, Michael Groves, Esben Kolsbjerg, Andrew Cassidy, Jakob Jørgensen, Susanne Halkjær, Jill Miwa, Antonija Cabo, Thierry Angot, Philip Hofmann, Mohammad Arman, Samuli Urpelainen, Paolo Lacovig, Luc Bignardi, Hendrik Bluhm, Jan Knudsen, Bjørk Hammer and Liv Hornekaer,
ACS Nano 12, 513 (2018)

186. Fragility of the Dirac cone splitting in topological crystalline insulator heterostructures, Craig Polley, Ryszard Buczko, Alexander Forsman, Piotr Dziawa, Andrzej Szczerbakow, Rafal Rechcinski, Bogdan Kowalski, Tomasz Story, Margorzata Trzyna, Marco Bianchi, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Philip Hofmann, Oscar Tjernberg and Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, arxiv1712.07894
ACS Nano 12, 617 (2018)

185. Electronic Structure of Fe1.08Te bulk crystals and epitaxial FeTe thin films on Bi2Te3, Fabian Arnold, Jonas Warmuth, Matteo Michiardi, Jan Fikáucek, Marco Bianchi, Jin Hu, Zhiqiang Mao, Jill Miwa, Udai Raj Singh, Martin Bremholm, Roland Wiesendanger, Jan Honolka, Tim Wehling, Jens Wiebe, Philip Hofmann, arXiv:1711.07039
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 30, 065502 (2018)


184. Sputtering a reversed metal coating on copper enclosure for large-scale growth of single-crystalline graphene, Birong Luo, José Caridad, Patrick Whelan, Joachim Thomsen, David Mackenzie, Antonija Grubisic Cabo, Sanjoy Mahatha, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, Peter Jepsen, Peter Boggild and Tim Booth,
2D Materials 4, 045017 (2017).

183. Contact-Induced Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition in Single-Layer WS2, Maciej Dendzik, Albert Bruix, Matteo Michiardi, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Bjørk Hammer, Philip Hofmann, Charlotte E. Sanders, arXiv:1708.02799
Physical Review B 96, 235440 (2017).

182. Electron-phonon coupling in the spin-split valence band of single layer WS2, Nicki Frank Hinsche, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Kevin Guilloy, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Antonija Grubisic Cabo, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Charlotte E. Sanders, Jill A. Miwa, Harsh Bana, Elisabetta Travaglia, Paolo Lacovig, Luca Bignardi, Rosanna Larciprete, Alessandro Baraldi, Silvano Lizzit, Kristian Sommer Thygesen and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1706.08484
Physical Review B 96, 121402(R) (2017).

181. Quasi one-dimensional metallic band dispersion in the commensurate charge density wave of 1T-TaS2, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Kevin Guilloy, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Marco Bianchi, Charlotte E. Sanders, Kai Rossnagel, Jill Miwa and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1705.00455
Physical Review B 96, 195147 (2017).

180. Electron-Phonon Coupling and Surface Debye Temperature of Bi2Te3(111) from Helium Atom Scattering, Anton Tamtögl, Patrick Kraus, Nadav Avidor, Martin Bremholm, Ellen M. J. Hedegaard, Bo B. Iversen, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann, John Ellis, William Allison, Giorgio Benedek, Wolfgang E. Ernst, arxiv1704.07416
Phys. Rev. B 95, 195401 (2017).

179. Unraveling the Spin Structure of Unoccupied States in Bi2Se3, Christian Datzer, Anna Zumbülte, Jürgen Braun, Tobias Förster, Anke B. Schmidt, Jianli Mi, Bo Iversen, Philip Hofmann, Jan Minár, Hubert Ebert, Peter Krüger, Michael Rohlfing, and Markus Donath,
Phys. Rev. B 95, 115401 (2017).

178. Strong electron-phonon coupling in the sigma band of graphene, Federico Mazzola, Thomas Frederiksen, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Philip Hofmann, Bo Hellsing and Justin W. Wells, arxiv1607.00939
Phys. Rev. B 95, 075430 (2017).

177. Evidence for a two-fold symmetric superconducting gap in a monolayer of FeSe0.5Te0.5 on a topological insulator, Anand Kamlapure, Sujit Manna, Lasse Cornils, Torben Hänke, Martin Bremholm, Philip Hofmann, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, arxiv1608.03827
Phys. Rev. B 95, 104509 (2017).

176. Spin and Valley Control of Free Carriers in Single-Layer WS2, Søren Ulstrup, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Deepnarayan Biswas, Jonathon M. Riley, Maciej Dendzik, Charlotte E. Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Cephise Cacho, Dan Matselyukh, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Phil D. C. King, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, arxiv1608.060230
Phys. Rev. B 95, 041405(R) 2017).

175. Reorientation of the bicollinear antiferromagnetic structure at the surface of Fe1+yTe bulk and thin films, Torben Hänke, Udai Raj Singh, Lasse Cornils, Sujit Manna, Anand Kamlapure, Martin Bremholm, Ellen Marie Jensen Hedegaard, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Philip Hofmann, Jin Hu, Jens Wiebe, Zhiqiang Mao, Roland Wiesendanger, arxiv1609.09192
Nature Communications 8, 13939 (2017).

174. Interfacial superconductivity in a bi-collinear antiferromagnetically ordered FeTe monolayer on a topological insulator, S. Manna, A. Kamlapure, L. Cornils, T. Hänke, E. M. J. Hedegaard, M. Bremholm, B. B. Iversen, Ph. Hofmann, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger, arxiv1606.03249
Nature Communications 8, 14074 (2017)


173. Symmetry Driven Band Gap Engineering in Hydrogen Functionalized Graphene, Jakob Jørgensen, Antonija Cabo, Richard Balog, Line Kyhl, Michael Groves, Andrew Cassidy, Albert Bruix, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Mohammad Arman, Lutz Lammich, Jose Pascual, Jan Knudsen, Bjørk Hammer, Philip Hofmann and Liv Hornekaer,
ACS Nano 10, 10798 (2016).

172. Electroinduced Intercalation of Tetraalkylammonium Ions at the Interface of Graphene Grown on Copper, Platinum, and Iridium, Zakaria Salmi, Line Koefoed, Bjarke B. E. Jensen, Antonija Grubisic Cabo, Philip Hofmann, Steen U. Pedersen, and Kim Daasbjerg,
ChemElectroChem 3, 1 (2016).

171. Reconstruction-induced trefoil knot Fermi contour of Au(111), Maciej Dendzik, Marco Bianchi, Matteo Michiardi, Charlotte E. Sanders and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1610.01736
Phys. Rev. B 94, 201401(R) (2016).

170. Crystalline and electronic structure of single-layer TaS2 Charlotte E. Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Andreas Eich, Albert Bruix, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Bjørk Hammer, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Philip Hofmann, arxiv1606.05856
Phys. Rev. B 94, 081404(R) (2016).

169. Absence of superconductivity in ultra-thin layers of FeSe synthesized on a topological insulator, Andreas Eich, Nils Rollfing, Fabian Arnold, Charlotte Sanders, Pascal R. Ewen, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Jian-Li Mi, Martin Bremholm, Daniel Wegner, Philip Hofmann, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, arxiv1606.05738
Phys. Rev. B 94, 125437 (2016).

168. Ultrafast Band Structure Control of a Two-Dimensional Heterostructure, Søren Ulstrup, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Jill A. Miwa, Jonathon M. Riley, Signe S. Grønborg, Jens C. Johannsen, Cephise Cacho, Oliver Alexander, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Phil D. C. King, and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1606.03555
ACS Nano 10, 6315 (2016).

167. Manifestation of nonlocal electron-electron interaction in graphene, Søren Ulstrup, Malte Schüler, Marco Bianchi, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Tim Wehling and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1604.00496
Phys. Rev. B 94, 081403(R) (2016).

166. Nickel: The time-reversal symmetry conserving partner of iron on a chalcogenide topological insulator, M. Vondrácek, L. Cornils, J. Minár, J. Warmuth, M. Michiardi, C. Piamonteze, L. Barreto, J. A. Miwa, M. Bianchi, Ph. Hofmann, L. Zhou, A. Kamlapure, A. A. Khajetoorians, R. Wiesendanger, J.-L. Mi, B.-B. Iversen, S. Mankovsky, St. Borek, H. Ebert, M. Schüler, T. Wehling, J. Wiebe, and J. Honolka, arxiv1603.09689
Phys. Rev. B 94, 161114 (2016).

165. Band gap engineering by Bi intercalation of graphene on Ir(111), Jonas Warmuth, Albert Bruix, Matteo Michiardi, Torben Hänke, Marco Bianchi, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger, Bjørk Hammer, Philip Hofmann, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, arxiv1603.08724
Physical Review B, 93, 165437 (2016).

164. Topological insulator homojunctions including magnetic layers: the example of n-p type (n-QLs Bi2Se3/Mn-Bi2Se3) heterostructures, M. Valiska, J. Warmuth, M. Michiardi, M. Vondracek, A. S. Ngankeu, V. Holy, V. Sechovsky, G. Springholz, M. Bianchi, J. Wiebe, P. Hofmann, and J. Honolka, arxiv1602.03450,
Applied Physics Lett.,108, 262402 (2016).

163. Single-layer MoS2 on Au(111): band gap renormalization and substrate interaction, Albert Bruix, Jill A. Miwa, Nadine Hauptmann, Daniel Wegner, Søren Ulstrup, Signe S. Grønborg, Charlotte E. Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Antonija Grubivic Cabo, Marco Bianchi, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, Bjørk Hammer and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1601.00095.
Physical Review B 93, 165422 (2016).

162. Sputtering induced re-emergence of the topological surface state in Bi2Se3, Raquel Queiroz, Gabriel Landolt, Stefan Muff, Bartosz Slomski, Thorsten Schmitt, Vladimir N. Strocov, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Philip Hofmann, Jürg Osterwalder, Andreas P. Schnyder, J. Hugo Dil, arxiv1512.06068
Physical Review B 93,165409 (2016).


161. Growth and electronic structure of epitaxial single-layer WS2 on Au(111), Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Charlotte Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Jill A. Miwa, Signe Grønborg, Jeppe Vang Lauritsen and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1509.05133
Physical Review B 92, 245442, 1-7 (2015).

160. Observation of Ultrafast Free Carrier Dynamics in Single Layer MoS2, Antonija Grubisic Cabo, Jill Miwa, Signe Grønborg, Jonathon Riley, Jens Johannsen, Cephise Cacho, Oliver Alexander, Richard Chapmann, Emma Springate, Marco Grioni, Jeppe Lauritsen, Philip King, Philip Hofmann, and Søren Ulstrup, arxiv1508.07301,
Nano Letters 15, 5883-5887 (2015).

159. Synthesis of Epitaxial Single-Layer MoS2 on Au(111), Signe Grønborg, Søren Ulstrup, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Charlotte Sanders, Jeppe Lauritsen, Philip Hofmann, and Jill Miwa, arxiv1509.06864
Langmuir 35 9700-9706 (2015).

158. Van der Waals Epitaxy of Two-Dimensional MoS2-Graphene Heterostructures in Ultra-High Vacuum, Jill A. Miwa, Maciej Dendzik, Signe S. Grørnborg, Marco Bianchi, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Philip Hofmann and Søren Ulstrup,
ACS Nano 9, 6502-6510 (2015).

157. One-dimensional spin texture of Bi(441): Quantum spin Hall properties without a topological insulator, M. Bianchi, F. Song, S. Cooil, Å. F. Monsen, E. Wahlström, J. A. Miwa, E. D. L. Rienks, D. A. Evans, A. Strozecka, J. I. Pascual, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, Ph. Hofmann, and J. W. Wells, arxiv1506.08017
Physical Review B 91, 165307, 1-5 (2015).

156. Ramifications of Optical Pumping on the Interpretation of Time-Resolved Photoemission Experiments on Graphene, Søren Ulstrup, Jens Christian Johannsen, Federico Cilento, Alberto Crepaldi, Jill A. Miwa, Michele Zacchigna, Cephise Cacho, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Phil D. C. King, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1502.01933
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 200, 340-346 (2015).

155. Facile Electrochemical Transfer of Large-Area Single Crystal Epitaxial Graphene from Ir(111), Line Koefoed, Mikkel Kongsfelt, Søren Ulstrup, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Andrew Cassidy, Patrick R. Whelan, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Filippo Pizzocchero, Bjarke Jørgensen, Peter Bøggild, Liv Hornekær, Philip Hofmann, Steen U. Pedersen and Kim Daasbjerg,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 48, 115306, 1-9 (2015).

154. Strongly anisotropic spin-orbit splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas, Matteo Michiardi, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Jill Miwa, Moritz Hoesch, Timur K. Kim, Peter Matzen, Jianli Mi, Martin Bremholm, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1411.7308,
Physical Review B 91, 035445, 1-6 (2015).

153. Tunable Hot Carrier Multiplication and Cooling in Graphene, Jens Christian Johannsen, Søren Ulstrup, Alberto Crepaldi, Federico Cilento, Michele Zacchigna, Jill Miwa, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Philip King, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1601.00702
Nano Letters 15, 326-332 (2015).

152. Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Epitaxial Graphene Investigated with Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Søren Ulstrup, Jens Christian Johannsen, Alberto Crepaldi, Federico Cilento, Michele Zacchigna, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1601.00745
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, 164206, 1-8 (2015).

151. Electronic Structure of Epitaxial Single-Layer MoS2, Jill A. Miwa, Søren Ulstrup, Signe G. Sørensen, Maciej Dendzik, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Marco Bianchi, Jeppe Vang Lauritsen, Philip Hofmann, arxiv1410.0615,
Physical Review Letters 114, 046802, 1-5 (2015).


150. Intra- and Interband Electron Scattering in the Complex Hybrid Topological Insulator Bismuth Bilayer on Bi2Se3, A. Eich, M. Michiardi, G. Bihlmayer, X.-G. Zhu, J.-L. Mi, Bo B. Iversen, R. Wiesendanger, Ph. Hofmann, A. A. Khajetoorians and J. Wiebe, arxiv1409.7014
Physical Review B 90, 155414, 1-10 (2014).

149. Direct observation of spin-polarised bulk bands in an inversion-symmetric semiconductor, Jonathon Riley, Federico Mazzola, Maciej Dendzik, Matteo Michiardi, Tomohiro Takayama, Lewis Bawden, Cecilie Granerød, Mats Leandersson, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Moritz Hoesch, Timur Kim, Hide Takagi, Worawat Meevasana, Philip Hofmann, Mohammad Bahramy, Justin Wells, and Phil King, arxiv1408.6778
Nature Physics 10, 835-839 (2014), see also News and Views by John Schaibley and Xiaodong Xu

148. Bottom-up approach for the low-cost synthesis of graphene-alumina nanosheet interfaces using bimetallic alloys, Luca Omiciuolo, Eduardo R. Hernandez, Elisa Miniussi, Fabrizio Orlando, Paolo Lacovig, Silvano Lizzit, Tevfik Onur Mentes, Andrea Locatelli, Rosanna Larciprete, Marco Bianchi, Søren Ulstrup, Philip Hofmann, Dario Alfe and Alessandro Baraldi
Nature Communications 5, 5062, 1-8 (2014).

147. Sequential Oxygen and Alkali Intercalation of Epitaxial Graphene on Ir(111): Enhanced Many-Body Effects and Formation of pn-interfaces, Søren Ulstrup, Mie Andersen, Marco Bianchi, Lucas Barreto, Bjørk Hammer, Liv Hornekær, and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1404.6132
2D Materials 1, 025002, 1-16 (2014).

146. Bulk Band Structure of Bi2Te3, Matteo Michiardi, Irene Aguilera, Marco Bianchi, Vagner Eustáquio de Carvalho, Luiz Orlando Ladeira, Nayara Gomes Teixeira, Edmar Avellar Soares, Chiristoph Friedrich, Stefan Blügel and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1403.3050
Physical Review B 90, 075105, 1-8 (2014).

145. Ultrafast Dynamics of Massive Dirac Fermions in Bilayer Graphene, Søren Ulstrup, Jens Christian Johannsen, Federico Cilento, Jill A. Miwa, Alberto Crepaldi, Michele Zacchigna, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Samir Mammadov, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni, Phil D. C. King and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1403.0122
Physical Review Letters 112, 257401, 1-5 (2014), see also Viewpoint in Physics 7, 68 (2014) by Luca Perfetti.

144. Topological Surface States on Bi1-xSbx: Dependence of surface orientation, surface termination and stability, Xie-Gang Zhu and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1402.5751
Physical Review B 89, 125402, 1-6 (2014).

143. Screening and atomic-scale engineering of the potential at a topological insulator surface, P. Löptien, L. Zhou, J. Wiebe, A. A. Khajetoorians, J. L. Mi, B. B. Iversen, Ph. Hofmann and R. Wiesendanger, arxiv1312.3813
Physical Review B 89, 085401, 1-7 (2014).

142. Extracting the Temperature of Hot Carriers in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission, Søren Ulstrup, Jens Christian Johannsen, Marco Grioni and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1402.6503
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 013907, 1-4 (2014).

141. Surface-dominated transport on a Bulk Topological Insulator, Lucas Barreto, Lisa Kühnemund, Frederik Edler, Christoph Tegenkamp, Jianli Mi, Martin Bremholm, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Christian Frydendahl, Marco Bianchi and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1310.0202
Nano Letters 14, 3755-3760 (2014).


140. Electronic Structure of Graphene on a Reconstructed Pt(100) Surface: Hydrogen Adsorption, Doping and Band Gaps, Søren Ulstrup, Louis Nilsson, Jill Miwa, Richard Balog, Marco Bianchi, Liv Hornekær and Philip Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 88, 125425, 1-8 (2013).

139. Surface structure of Bi2Se3(111) determined by low-energy electron diffraction and surface X-ray diffraction, Diogo Duarte dos Reis, Lucas Barreto, Marco Bianchi, Guilherme Almeida, Silva Ribeiro, Edmar Avellar Soares, Wendell Simoes e Silva, Vagner Eustaquio de Carvalho, Jonathan Rawle, Moritz Hoesch, Chris Nicklin, Willians Principe Fernandes, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1306.3310
Phys. Rev. B 88, 041404 (R), 1-4 (2013).

138. Electron-phonon coupling-induced kinks in the sigma band of graphene, Federico Mazzola, Justin W. Wells, Rositza Yakimova, Soren Ulstrup, Jill A. Miwa, Richard Balog, Marco Bianchi, Mats Leandersson, Philip Hofmann, T. Balasubramanian, arxiv1305.6210
Physical Review Letters, 111, 216806, 1-5 (2013).

137. Direct view on the hot carrier dynamics in graphene, Jens Christian Johannsen, Søren Ulstrup, Federico Cilento, Alberto Crepaldi, Michele Zacchigna, Cephise Cacho, I. C. Edmond Turcu, Emma Springate, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni and Philip Hofmann, arxiv1304.2615
Physical Review Letters 111, 027403, 1-5 (2013).

136. Controlling hydrogenation of graphene on Ir(111), Richard Balog, Mie Andersen, Bjarke Jørgensen, Zeljko Sljivancanin, Bjørk Hammer, Alessandro Baraldi, Rosanna Larciprete, Philip Hofmann, Liv Hornekaer, Silvano Lizzit
ACS Nano 7, 3823-3832 (2013).

135. Excitation of coherent phonons on the one-dimensional Bi(114) surface, D. Leuenberger, H. Yanagisawa, S. Roth, J. H. Dil, J. W. Wells, Ph. Hofmann, J. Osterwalder, M. Hengsberger
Physical Review Letters, 110, 136806, 1-5 (2013).

134. Three Dirac points on the (110) surface of the topological insulator Bi1-xSbx, Xie-Gang Zhu, Malthe Stensgaard, Lucas Barreto, Wendell Simoes e Silva, Søren Ulstrup, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik and Philip Hofmann, arxiv:1302.0396
New Journal of Physics 15, 103011, 1-13 (2013).

133. Surface-Sensitive Conductivity Measurement using a Micro Multi-point Probe Approach, Edward Perkins, Lucas Barreto, Justin Wells and Philip Hofmann
Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 033901, 1-8 (2013).

132. Controllable magnetic doping of the surface state of a topological insulator, T. Schlenk, M. Bianchi, M. Koleini, A. Eich, O. Pietzsch, T. O. Wehling, T. Frauenheim, A. Balatsky, J.-L. Mi, B. B. Iversen, J. Wiebe, A. A. Khajetoorians, Ph. Hofmann, R. Wiesendanger, arxiv:1211.2142
Physical Review Letters 110, 126804, 1-5 (2013).

131. Phase Separation and Bulk p-n Transition in Single Crystals of Bi2Te2Se Topological Insulator, Jian-Li Mi, Martin Bremholm, Marco Bianchi, Kasper Borup, Simon Johnsen, Martin Søndergaard, Dandan Guan, Richard C. Hatch, Philip Hofmann and Bo B. Iversen
Advanced Materials,25, 889-893 (2013).

130. Detecting the local transport properties and the dimensionality of transport of epitaxial graphene by a multi-point probe approach, Lucas Barreto, Edward Perkins, Jens Johannsen, Søren Ulstrup, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller and Philip Hofmann, arxiv:1211.0446
Applied Physics Letters,102, 033110, 1-3 (2013).

129. Evidence for a direct band gap in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 from theory and experiment, I. A. Nechaev, R. C. Hatch, M. Bianchi, D. Guan, C. Friedrich, J. L. Mi, B. B. Iversen, S. Blügel, Ph. Hofmann and E. V. Chulkov , arxiv:1210.4477
Physical Review B 87, 121111(R), 1-5 (2013).

128. Direct Measurement of the Band Structure of a Buried Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, Jill A. Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Michelle Y. Simmons and Justin W. Wells, arxiv:1210.7113
Physical Review Letters 110, 136801, 1-5 (2013), see also feature in Nature Nanotechnology 8, 310 (2013).

127. Electron-phonon coupling in the two-dimensional electron gas on Bi2Se3, Lucas Barreto, Marco Bianchi, Dandan Guan, Richard Hatch, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen and Philip Hofmann
Physica Status Solidi 7, 136-138 (2013).

126. Electron-phonon coupling in quasi free-standing graphene, Jens Christian Johannsen, Søren Ulstrup, Marco Bianchi, Richard Hatch, Dandan Guan, Federico Mazzola, Liv Hornekær, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller and Philip Hofmann
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 25, 094001, 1-6 (2013).


125. Oxygen Switching of the Epitaxial Graphene-Metal Interaction, Rosanna Larciprete, Søren Ulstrup, Paolo Lacovig, Matteo Dalmiglio, Marco Bianchi, Federico Mazzola, Liv Hornekær, Fabrizio Orlando, Alessandro Baraldi, Philip Hofmann and Silvano Lizzit
ACS Nano 6, 9551-9558 (2012), see also feature in Nature Materials 12, 3 (2013).

124. Graphene Coatings: Probing the Limits of the One Atom Thick Protection Layer, Louis Nilsson, Mie Andersen, Richard Balog, Erki Lægsgaard, Philip Hofmann, Flemming Besenbacher, Bjork Hammer, Ivan Stensgaard and Liv Hornekaer
ACS Nano 6, 10258-10266 (2012).

123. Unconventional spin texture of a topologically nontrivial semimetal Sb(110), A. Strozecka, A. Eiguren, M. Bianchi, D. Guan, C. H. Voetmann, S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann and J. I. Pascual, arxiv:1209.5682
New Journal of Physics 14, 103026, 1-9 (2012).

122. Transfer-free electrical insulation of epitaxial graphene from its metal substrate, Silvano Lizzit, Rosanna Larciprete, Paolo Lacovig, Matteo Dalmiglio, Fabrizio Orlando, Alessandro Baraldi, Lauge Gammelgaard, Lucas Barreto, Marco Bianchi, Edward Perkins and Philip Hofmann, arxiv:1208.2144
Nano Letters 12, 4503-4507 (2012), featured as Research Highlight in Nature Nanotechnology 7, 613 (2012).

121. Robust Surface Doping of Bi2Se3 by Rb Intercalation, Marco Bianchi, Richard Hatch, Richard, Zeshen Li, Philip Hofmann, Fei Song, Jian-Li Mi, Bo Iversen, Zakaria Abd El-Fattah, Peter Löptien, Lihui Zhou, Alexander Khajetoorians, Jens Wiebe, Roland Wiesendanger and Justin Wells, arxiv:208.0464
ACS Nano 6, 7009-7015 (2012).

120. Emergent quantum confinement at topological insulator surfaces, M. S. Bahramy, P. D. C. King, A. de la Torre, J. Chang, M. Shi, L. Patthey, G. Balakrishnan, Ph. Hofmann, R. Arita, N. Nagaosa, F. Baumberger, arXiv:1206.0564
Nature Communications, 3, 1159, 1-7 (2012).

119. The electronic structure of clean and adsorbate-covered Bi2Se3: an angle-resolved photoemission study, Marco Bianchi, Richard C. Hatch, Dandan Guan, Tilo Planke, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen and Philip Hofmann, arXiv:1206.1563
Semiconductor Science and Technology 27, 124001, 1-14 (2012).

118. High-temperature behaviour of supported graphene: electron-phonon coupling and substrate-induced doping, Søren Ulstrup, Marco Bianchi, Richard Hatch, Dandan Guan, Alessandro Baraldi, Dario Alfè, Liv Hornekær and Philip Hofmann, arXiv:1203.2187
Phys. Rev. B 86, 161402(R), 1-5 (2012).

117. Surface states on a topologically non-trivial semimetal: The case of Sb(110), Marco Bianchi, Dandan Guan, Anna Strozecka, Celia H. Voetmann, Shining Bao, Jose Ignacio Pascual, Asier Eiguren, Philip Hofmann, arXiv:1202:5303
Physical Review B 85, 155431, 1-6 (2012).

116. In-plane magnetic anisotropy of Fe atoms on Bi2Se3(111), J. Honolka, A. A. Khajetoorians, V. Sessi, T. O. Wehling, S. Stepanow, J.-L. Mi, B. B. Iversen, T. Schlenk, J. Wiebe, N. Brookes, A. I. Lichtenstein, Ph. Hofmann, K. Kern,1 and R. Wiesendanger, arXiv:1112.4621
Physical Review Letters 108, 256811, 1-5 (2012).


115. Simultaneous quantization of bulk conduction and valence states through adsorption of nonmagnetic impurities on Bi2Se3, Marco Bianchi, Richard C. Hatch, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen and Philip Hofmann, (arXiv:1105.3826v1)
Physical Review Letters, 107, 086802, 1-4 (2011).

114. Large tuneable Rashba spin splitting of a two-dimensional electron in Bi2Se3, P. D. C. King, R. C. Hatch, M. Bianchi, R. Ovsyannikov, C. Lupulescu, G. Landolt, B. Slomski, J. H. Dil, D. Guan, J. L. Mi, E. D. L. Rienks, J. Fink, A. Lindblad, S. Svensson, S. Bao, G. Balakrishnan, B. B. Iversen, J. Osterwalder, W. Eberhardt, F. Baumberger and Ph. Hofmann, arXiv:1103.3220v1
Physical Review Letters, 107, 096802, 1-5 (2011), also featured as Editor’s Choice in Science 333, 1680 (2011).

113. Stability of the Bi2Se3(111) topological state: electron-phonon and -defect scattering, Richard C. Hatch, Marco Bianchi, Dandan Guan, Shining Bao, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Louis Nilsson, Liv Hornekær and Philip Hofmann, arXiv:1104.4930v1
Physical Review B 83, 241303(R), 1-4 (2011),

112. Strongly enhanced electron-phonon coupling in the Rashba-split state of the Bi/Ag(111) surface alloy, Dandan Guan, Marco Bianchi, Shining Bao, Edward Perkins, Fabian Meier, J. H. Dil, Jürg Osterwalder and Philip Hofmann,
Physical Review B 83, 155451, 1-6 (2011).

111. Thermal expansion of supported and free-standing graphene: lattice constant versus interatomic distances, D. Alfè, Monica Pozzo, Paolo Lacovic, Philip Hofmann, Silvano Lizzit and Alessandro Baraldi, Physical Review Letters 106, 135501, 1-4 (2011).

110. Suppression of the Ag/Si surface conductivity transition by organic adsorbates, F. Song, L.Gammelgaard, Ph. Hofmann and J. Wells,
Applied Physics Letters 98, 052106, 1-3 (2011).


109. Coexistence of the topological state and a two-dimensional electron gas on the surface of f Bi2Se3, Marco Bianchi, Dandan Guan, Shining Bao, Jianli Mi, Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Philip D. C. King and Philip Hofmann
Nature Communcations 1, 128, 1-5 (2010).

108. Surface band gap narrowing in quantized electron accumulation layers, P. D. C. King, T. D. Veal, C. F. McConvill, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, M. Hopkinson, E. D. L. Rienks, M. Fuglsang-Jensen and Ph. Hofmann
Physical Review Letters 104, 256803, 1-4 (2010).

107. Structure and oscillatory multilayer relaxation of the bismuth (100) surface, J. Sun, J. Wang, J. W. Wells, Y. M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, E. V. Chulkov, Ph. Hofmann and K. Pohl
New Journal of Physics 12, 063016, 1-13 (2010).

106. Electron-phonon coupling in potassium-doped graphene: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, M. Bianchi, E. D. L. Rienks, S. Lizzit, A. Baraldi, R. Balog, L. Hornekær, Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 81, 041403(R), 1-4 (2010).

105. Band gap opening in graphene induced by patterned hydrogen adsorption, Richard Balog, Bjarke Jørgensen, Louis Nilsson, Mie Andersen, Emile Rienks, Marco Bianchi, Mattia Fanetti, Erik Lægsgaard, Alessandro Baraldi, Flemming Besenbacher, Silvano Lizzit, Zeljko Sljivancanin, Bjørk Hammer, Thomas G. Petersen, Philip Hofmann and Liv Hornekær
Nature Materials 9, 315-319 (2010).

104. Band dispersion in the deep 1s core level of graphene, S. Lizzit, G. Zampieri, L. Petaccia, R. Larciprete, P. Lacovig, E. D. L. Rienks, A. Baraldi and Ph. Hofmann
Nature Physics 6, 345-349 (2010).


103. Study of the electronic structure at the interface between fluorene-1-carboxylic acid molecules and Cu(110), Fei Song, Hogying Mao, Dandan Guan, Weidong Dou, Hanjie Zhang, Haiyang Li, Pimo He, Philip Hofmann and Shining Bao
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 21, 355005, 1-6 (2009).

102. Hole dynamics in a two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled electron-system: theoretical and experimental study of Au(111), I. A. Nechaev, M. F. Jensen, E. D. L. Rienks, V. M. Silkin, P. M. Echenique, E. V. Chulkov and Ph. Hofmann
Physical Review B 80, 113402, 1-4 (2009).

101. Electron-phonon coupling at surfaces and interfaces, Ph. Hofmann, I. Sklyadneva, E. D. L. Rienks and E. V. Chulkov, invited review
New Journal of Physics 11 125005, 1-29 (2009).

100. Direct measurement of electrical conductance through a self-assembled molecular layer, F. Song, J. Wells, K. Handrup, Z. S. Li, S. N. Bao, K. Schulte, M. Ahola-Tuomi, L. C. Mayor, J. C. Swarbrick, E. W. Perkins, L. Gammelgaard and Ph. Hofmann
Nature Nanotechnology 4, 373-376 (2009).

99. Atomic Hydrogen Adsorbate Structures on Graphene, Richard Balog, Bjarke Jørgensen, Justin Wells, Erik Lægsgaard, Philip Hofmann, Flemming Besenbacher and Liv Hornekær Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 8744-8745 (2009).

98. The Fermi surface of MoO2 as studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, de Haas-van Alphen measurements, and electronic structure calculations, Judith Moosburger-Will, Jörg Kündel, Matthias Klemm, Siegfried Horn, Philip Hofmann, Udo Schwingenschlögel and Volker Eyert
Phys. Rev. B 79, 115113, 1-16 (2009).

97. Anisotropic electron-phonon coupling on a two-dimensional isotropic Fermi contour:  surface state on Be(0001), Teyu Chien, Emile Rienks, Maria Fuglsang Jensen, Philip Hofmann and E. Ward Plummer,
Phys. Rev. B 80, 241416(R), 1-4 (2009).

96. Non-degenerate metallic states on Bi(114): a one-dimensional topological metal, J. W. Wells, J. H. Dil, F. Meier, J. Lobo-Checa, V. N. Petrov, J. Osterwalder, M. M. Ugeda, I. Fernandez-Torrente, J. I. Pascual, E. D. L. Rienks, M. F. Jensen and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 096802, 1-5 (2009), also selected for the Virtual Journal of Nanoscience & Technology, 19 (2009), see also synopsis in Physics, March 2009.

95. The surface phase transition and low-temperature phase of alpha-Ga(010) studied by SPA-LEED, S. Lizzit, A. Baraldi, Ch. Grütter, J. Bilgram and Ph. Hofmann
Surface Science, 603, 3222-3226 (2009).

94. Surface-sensitive conductance measurements, Ph. Hofmann and J. W. Wells, invited review
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 21, 013003, 1-21 (2009).


93. The conductivity of Bi(111) investigated with nano-scale four point probes, J. W. Wells, K. Handrup, J. F. Kallehauge, L. Gammelgaard, P. Bøggild, M. B. Balslev, J. E. Hansen, P. R. E. Petersen and Ph. Hofmann, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 053717, 1-5 (2008).

92. Valence electronic properties of n-channel organic materials based on fluorinated derivatives of perylene diimides, Weidong Dou, Dandan Guan, Fei Song, Nana Li, Hanjie Zhang, Haiyang Li, Pimo He, Hongzheng Chen, Shining Bao and Philip Hofmann
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 244711, 1-6 (2008).

91. Surface-sensitive conductance measurements on clean and stepped semiconductor surfaces: numerical simulations of four point probe measurements, J. W. Wells, J. F. Kallehauge and Ph. Hofmann
Surface Science 602, 1742-1749 (2008).

90. A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor compatible monocantilever 12-point-probe for conductivity measurements on the nano-scale, L. Gammelgaard, J.W. Wells, K. Handrup, Ph. Hofmann, M. B. Balslev, J. E. Hansen, P. R. E. Petersen and P. Bøggild
Applied Physics Letters 93, 093104, 1-3 (2008).

89. Band structure effects on the Be(0001) acoustic surface plasmon dispersion, V. M. Silkin, J. M. Pitarke, E. V. Chulkov, B. Diaconescu, K. Pohl, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, Ph. Hofmann, D. Farias, Mario Rocca and P. M. Echenique
physica status solidi 205, 1307-1311 (2008).


88. C 1s photoemission spectrum in graphite(0001), S. Lizzit, L. Petaccia, A. Goldoni, R. Larciprete, Ph. Hofmann and G. Zampieri
Phys. Rev. B 76, 153408, 1-4 (2007).

87. The structure of Sb(111) determined by photoelectron diffraction, S. Bengó, J. W. Wells, T. K. Kim, G. Zampieri, L. Petaccia, S. Lizzit and Ph. Hofmann
Surface Science 601, 2908-2911 (2007).

86. Low-energy acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces, B. Diaconescu, K. Pohl, L. Vattuone, L. Savio, Ph. Hofmann, V. M. Silkin, J. M. Pitarke, E. V. Chulkov, P. M. Echenique, D. Farias and Mario Rocca
Nature 448, 57-59 (2007).

85. Thermal switching of the electrical conductivity of Si(111)(sqrt3xsqrt3)Ag due to a surface phase transition, J.W. Wells, J.F. Kallehauge, T.M. Hansen, and Ph. Hofmann
Journal of Physics: Cond. Matt., 19, 176008, 1-7 (2007).

84. Thermally induced defects and the lifetime of electronic surface states, M. Fuglsang Jensen, T. K. Kim, S. Bengio, I. Yu. Sklyadneva, A. Leonardo, S. V. Eremeev, E. V. Chulkov and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 75, 153404, 1-4 (2007).


83. Disentangling surface, bulk and space-charge layer conductivity: Si(111)(7×7), J.W. Wells, J.F. Kallehauge, T.M. Hansen, and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 206803, 1-4 (2006).

82. Structure determination of the Bi(110) semimetal surface by LEED analysis and ab initio calculations, J. Sun, A. Mikkelsen, M. Fuglsang Jensen,Y.M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, E.V. Chulkov, D.L. Adams, Ph. Hofmann, and K. Pohl
Phys. Rev. B, 74, 245406, 1-8 (2006).

81. Evidence for bandlike dispersion in K6C60(110) films, A. Goldoni, L. Petaccia, G. Zampieri, S. Lizzit, C. Cepek, J. E. Gayone, J. Wells and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev B 74, 045414, 1-5 (2006).

80. The surfaces of Bi: structural and electronic properties, invited review, Ph. Hofmann
Progress in Surface Science 81, 191-245 (2006).


79. Band-like dispersion in the valence band photoemission spectra of K6C60(110) films, A. Goldoni, L. Petaccia, G. Zampieri, S. Lizzit, C. Cepek, J. E. Gayone, J. Wells and Ph. Hofmann
AIP Conference Proceedings 786 Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures, 3-7 (2005).

78. Surface states and resonances on Al(110): Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, M.J.G. Lee, M. Gensch, A.I. Shkrebtii, Th. Herrmann, W. Richter, N. Esser and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 72, 085408-1-7 (2005).

77. The electron-phonon coupling on Mg(0001), T. K. Kim, T. S. Sørensen, E. Wolfring, H. Li, E. V. Chulkov and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 72, 075422-1-6 (2005).

76. The structure of the (111) surface of bismuth, H. Mönig, J. Sun, Yu. M. Koroteev, J. Wells, G. Bihlmayer, E. V. Chulkov, K. Pohl and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 72, 085410-1-7 (2005).

75. Self-energy determination and electron-phonon coupling on Bi(110), C. Kirkegaard, T.K.Kim and Ph. Hofmann, invited paper
New Journal of Physics 7, 99-1-22 (2005).

74. The electronic structure and Fermi surface of Bi(100), Ph. Hofmann, J. E. Gayone, G. Bihlmayer, Yu. M. Koroteev, E. V. Chulkov
Phys. Rev. B 71, 195413-1-7 (2005).

73. A Photoelectron Diffraction Study of the 6H-SiC(0001) sqrt3xsqrt3R30° Reconstruction, G. Zampieri, S. Lizzit, L. Petaccia, A. Goldoni, A. Baraldi, M. Bremholm, J. E. Gayone, S. V. Hoffmann and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 72, 165327-1-9 (2005).

72. Evidence against a charge density wave on Bi(111), T. K. Kim, J. Wells, C. Kirkegaard, Z. Li, S. V. Hoffmann, J. E. Gayone, I. Fernandez-Torrente, P. Häberle, J. I. Pascual, K.T. Moore, A.J. Schwartz, H. He, J.C.H. Spence, K.H. Downing, S. Lazar, F.D. Tichelaar, S. V. Borisenko, M. Knupfer and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 72, 085440-1-7 (2005).

71. Comment on: Momentum-Dependent Energy Losses in Core Level Photoemission, Ph. Hofmann, G. Zampieri, L. Petaccia, S. Lizzit and A. Baraldi
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 209703-1-4 (2005).

70. Determining the electron-phonon mass enhancement parameter lambda on metal surfaces J.E. Gayone, C. Kirkegaard, J. W. Wells, S. V. Hoffmann, Z. Li and Ph. Hofmann
Applied Physics A 80, 943-949 (2005).


69. The phase diagram of hydrogen on Be(0001) from reconstruction-induced surface core level shifts, K. Pohl, E. W. Plummer, S. V. Hoffmann and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 70, 235424-1-6 (2004).

68. The role of the spin in quasiparticle interference, J. I. Pascual, G. Bihlmayer, Yu. M. Koroteev, H.-P. Rust, G. Ceballos, M. Hansmann, K. Horn, E. V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P. M. Echenique and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93,196802-1-4 (2004).

67. Optical reflectance anisotropy of Al(110): Experiment and ab initio calculation, Th. Hermann, M. Gensch, M. J. G. Lee, A. I. Shkrebtii, N. Esser, W. Richter and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 69,165406-1-7 (2004).

66. Strong spin-orbit splitting on Bi surfaces, Yu. M. Koroteev, G. Bihlmayer, J. E. Gayone, E. V. Chulkov, S. Blügel, P. M. Echenique and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 046403-1-4 (2004).

65. Excitation energy dependence of the ARPES intensity in Pb-doped and pristine Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta, S. V. Borisenko, T. K. Kim, A. A. Kordyuk, M. Knupfer, J. Fink, J. E. Gayone, Ph. Hofmann, H. Berger, B. Liang, A. Maljuk and C. T. Lin
Physica C 417,1-6 (2004).

64. An undulator-based spherical grating monochromator beamline for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, S. V. Hoffmann, Ch. Søndergaard, Ch. Schultz, Z. Li and Ph. Hofmann
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 523,441-453 (2004).


63. Bulk Fermi surface mapping with high-energy angle-resolved photoemission, M. B. Nielsen, Z. Li, S. Lizzit, A. Goldoni and Ph. Hofmann
Journal of Physics: Cond. Matt. 15, 6919-6930 (2003).

62. Strong energy dependence of the electron-phonon coupling strength on Bi(100), J. E. Gayone, S. V. Hoffmann, Z. Li and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,127601-1-4 (2003).

61. alpha-Ga(010) surface reconstruction: A LEED structural analysis of the (1×1) room temperature and the (2sqrt2xsqrt2) low temperature structures, S. Moré, E. A. Soares, M. A. Van Hove, S. Lizzit, A. Baraldi, Ch. Grütter, J.H. Bilgram and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 68, 075414-1-10 (2003).

60. The electronic structure of alpha-Ga Ch. Søndergaard, Ch. Schultz, S. Agergaard, H. Li, S. V. Hoffmann, Z. Li, Ph. Hofmann, Ch. Grütter and J.H. Bilgram
Phys. Rev. B 67, 205105-1-5 (2003).

59. Interplay between the electronic structure and the phase transition on alpha-Ga(010) Ch. Søndergaard, Ch. Schultz, S. Agergaard, H. Li, S. V. Hoffmann, Z. Li, Ph. Hofmann, Ch. Grütter and J.H. Bilgram
Phys. Rev. B 67,165422-1-13 (2003).

58. Multilayer Relaxation from Surface Core Level Shift: the Be(0001) case, A. Baraldi, S. Lizzit, K. Pohl, Ph. Hofmann and S. de Gironcoli
Europhys. Lett 64, 364-370 (2003).


57. Unexpected surface sensitivity at high energies in angle-resolved photoemission, Ph. Hofmann, Ch. Søndergaard, S. Agergaard, S. V. Hoffmann, J. E. Gayone, M. S. Moreno, G. Zampieri S. Lizzit and A. Baraldi
Phys. Rev. B 66, 245422-1-5 (2002).

56. Thermal expansion at a metal surface:a study of Mg(0001) and Be(10-10), Ismail, Ph. Hofmann, A. P. Baddorf and E. W. Plummer
Phys. Rev. B 66, 245414-1-9 (2002).


55. The effect of reduced dimensionality on a semimetal: the electronic structure of the Bi(110) surface, S. Agergaard, Ch. Søndergaard, H. Li, M.B. Nielsen, S.V. Hoffmann, Z. Li and Ph. Hofmann
New Journal of Physics 3, 15-1-10 (2001).

54. Optical properties of the Au(110) surface, K. Stahrenberg, Th. Herrmann, N. Esser, W. Richter and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 65, 035407-1-6 (2001).

53. Combined TPS, XPS, EXAFS and NO-TPD study of the sulfiding of Mo/Al2O3 L.P. Nielsen, M. Schønning, S.V. Christensen, S.V. Hoffmann, Z. Li, Ph. Hofmann, F. Besenbacher and B.S. Clausen
Catal. Lett. 73, 85-90 (2001).

52. Final state effects on photoemission line shapes at finite temperature, Ch. Søndergaard, Ph. Hofmann, Ch. Schultz, S. Moreno, J.E. Gayone, M.A. Vicente Alvarez, G. Zampieri, S. Lizzit and A. Baraldi
Phys. Rev. B 63, 233102-1-4 (2001).

51. Symmetry-resolved density of states from valence band photoelectron diffraction, Ch. Søndergaard, Ch. Schultz, M. Schønning, S. Lizzit, A. Baraldi, S. Agergaard, M.B. Nielsen, H. Li and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 64, 245110-1-5 (2001).


50. Fourier Transform STM: determining the surface Fermi contour, L. Petersen, Ph. Hofmann, E.W. Plummer and F. Besenbacher
J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Rel. Phen. 109, 97-115 (2000).

49. Surface Lattice Dynamics of Mg(0001), Ismail, Ph. Hofmann, E.W. Plummer, C. Bungaro and W. Kress
Phys. Rev. B 62, 17012-17019 (2000).

48. Is PEXAFS really PhD?, R. L. Toomes, D. P. Woodruff, M. Polcik, S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann and K.-M. Schindler
Surf. Sci. 445, 300-308 (2000).

47. Core-level subsurface shifted component in a 4d transition metal: Ru(10-1 0), A. Baraldi, S. Lizzit, G. Comelli, A. Goldoni, Ph. Hofmann and G. Paolucci
Phys. Rev. B 61, 4534-4537 (2000).


46. Surface state contribution to the optical anisotropy of Ag(110) surfaces: A RAS and photoemission study, K. Stahrenberg, T. Herrmann, N. Esser, J. Sahm, W. Richter, S.V. Hoffmann and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. B 58, R10207-R10209 (1998).

45. Physics of the Be(10-10) suface core level spectrum, S. Lizzit, K. Pohl, A. Baraldi, G. Comelli, V. Fritzsche, E.W. Plummer, R. Stumpf and Ph. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3271-3274 (1998).

44. Charge density oscillations on Be(10-10): screening in a non-free two-dimensional electron gas, B.G. Briner, Ph. Hofmann, M. Doering, H.-P. Rust, E.W. Plummer and A.M. Bradshaw
Phys. Rev. B 58, 13931-13943 (1998).

43. The structure of adsorbed Fe on Ni(111) A. Theobald, V. Fenandez, O. Schaff, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche and A.M. Bradshaw
Phys. Rev. B 58, 6768-6771 (1998).

42. Electron-lattice interaction on alpha-Ga(010) Ph. Hofmann, Y. Cai, Ch. Grütter and J.H. Bilgram
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41. Direct imaging of the two dimensional Fermi Contour: Fourier Transform STM, L. Petersen, P.T. Sprunger, Ph. Hofmann, E. Lægsgaard, B.G. Briner, M. Doering, H.-P. Rust, A.M. Bradshaw, F. Besenbacher and E.W. Plummer
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40. Observation of interfering Bloch waves, B.G. Briner, Ph. Hofmann, M. Doering, H.-P. Rust, E.W. Plummer and A.M. Bradshaw
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39. Anisotropic two-dimensional Friedel oscillations, Ph. Hofmann, B.G. Briner, M. Doering, H.-P. Rust, E.W. Plummer and A.M. Bradshaw
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38. Structure determination of ammonia on Cu(110) – a low-symmetry adsorption site, N.A. Booth, R. Davis, D.P. Woodruff, C. Hirschmugl, K.-M. Schindler, O. Schaff, V. Fernandez, A. Theobald, Ph. Hofmann, A.M. Bradshaw and V. Fritzsche
Surf. Sci. 387, 152-159 (1997).

37. Quantitative Structural Study of the Coadsorption of CO and K on Ni(111) Using Pho- toelectron Diffraction, R. Davis, R. Toomes, D. P. Woodruff. O. Schaff, V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, K.-U. Weiss, R. Dippel, V. Fritzsche and A. M. Bradshaw
Surf. Sci. 393,12-23 (1997).

36. Lattice vibrations at the Be(10-10) surface Ph. Hofmann and E.W. Plummer
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35. The valence band structure of cubic CdS as determined by Angle Resolved Photoemission, A.P.J. Stampfl, Ph. Hofmann, O. Schaff and A.M. Bradshaw
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34. A Scanned-Energy Mode Photoelectron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Ni(111) (2×2)-O, M. E. Davila, M. C. Asensio, D. P. Woodruff, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, S. Bao, V. Fritzsche and A. M. Bradshaw
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33. An Integrated Approach to Adsorbate Structure Determination Using Photoelectron Diffraction: Direct Imaging and Quantitative Simulation, D. P. Woodruff, R. Davis, N. A. Booth, A. M. Bradshaw, C. J. Hirschmugl, K.-M. Schindler, O. Schaff, V. Fernandez, A. Theobald, Ph. Hofmann and V. Fritzsche
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32. Quantitative Structure Determination of an NHX species adsorbed on Cu(110), C. J. Hirschmugl, K.-M. Schindler, O. Schaff, V. Fernandez, A. Theobald, Ph. Hofmann, A. M. Bradshaw, R. Davis, N. A. Booth, D. P. Woodruff and V. Fritzsche
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31. Structre determination of a CO/O coadsorption phase on Ni(111), V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, O. Schaff, Ph. Hofmann, A. Theobald, A.M. Bradshaw, V. Fritzsche, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 351, 1-12 (1996).

30. The electronic structure of Be(10-10), Ph. Hofmann, R. Stumpf, V.M. Silkin, E.V. Chulkov and E.W. Plummer
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29. The geometric structure of Be(10-10), Ph. Hofmann, K. Pohl, R. Stumpf and E.W. Plummer
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28. Spatial probability distribution of adsorbate atoms, Ph. Hofmann, O. Schaff and K.-M. Schinder
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27. Local structure determination for low-coverage CO on Ni(111), R. Davis, D.P. Woodruff, Ph. Hofmann, O. Schaff, V. Ferandez, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw
J. Phys: Condens. Matter 8, 1367-1379 (1996).

26. Coverage-dependent changes in the adsorption geometry of benzene on Ni(111), O. Schaff, V. Ferandez, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, A. Theobald, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
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25. Study of surface states on Cu(110) using optical anisotropy spectroscopy, Ph. Hofmann, K.C. Rose, V. Fernandez, A.M. Bradshaw and W. Richter
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24. Quantitative determination of molecular adsorption structures using photoelectron diffraction: the methoxy species on Cu(111), O. Schaff, G. Hess, V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, A. Theobald, Ph. Hofmann, A. M. Bradshaw, V. Fritzsche, R. Davis and D. P. Woodruff
J. Electron Spectr. Rel. Phen. 75, 117 (1995).

23. Direct Methods for adsorbate structure determination using photoelectron diffraction, O. Schaff, Ph. Hofmann, C.J. Hirschmugl, A. Theobald, V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, A.M. Bradshaw, N. Booth, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 76, 85-90 (1995).

22. Ethene adsorbed on Cu(110): a combined photoemission and photoelectron diffraction study, O. Schaff, A.P.J. Stampfl, Ph. Hofmann, S. Bao, K.-M. Schindler, A.M. Bradashaw, R. Davis, D.P. Woodruff and V. Fritzsche
Surf. Sci. 334, 201-210 (1995).

21. The structure of the surface methoxy species on Ni(111), O. Schaff, G. Hess, V. Fritzsche, V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, A. Theobald, Ph. Hofmann, A.M. Bradshaw, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 331-333, 201-206 (1995).

20. The potassium-induces reconstruction of Cu110: The potassium atom adsorption site, Ph. Hofmann, S. Bao, K.-M. Schindler, O. Schaff, M. Polcik, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 319, L7-L12 (1995).

19. Structure determination of an alkali metal-CO coadsorption phase: Ni(111)-K/CO, R. Davis, D.P. Woodruff, O. Schaff, V. Fernandez, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, K.-U. Weiß, R. Dippel, V. Fritzsche and A.M. Bradshaw
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1621-1624 (1995).

18. A photoelectron diffraction study of the structure of the Cu110(2×1)-CO system, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, S. Bao, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 337, 169-176 (1995).

17. The local geometry of reactant and product in a surface reaction: the dehydrogenation of adsorbed ethylene on Ni(111), S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 323, 19-29 (1995).

16. The adsorption site of pyridine on Ni(111) determined by low-energy photoelectron diffraction, V. Fritzsche, S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann, M. Polcik, K.-M. Schindler, A.M. Bradshaw, R. Davis and D.P. Woodruff
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15. Experimental tests of new direct methods for adsorbate structure determination using photoelectron diffraction, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, S. Bao, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 12, 2045-2050 (1994).

14. Structure determination of Ni(111)c(4×2)-CO and its implication for the interpretation of vibrational spectroscopic data, M.E. Davila, M.C. Asensio, D.P. Woodruff, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, K.-U. Weiß, R. Dippel, P. Gardner, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, J.C. Conesa and A.R. Gonzalez-Elipe
Surf. Sci. 311, 337-348 (1994).

13. Initial-state effects in scanned-energy-mode photoelectron diffraction, V. Fritzsche, R. Davis, X.-M. Hu, D.P. Woodruff, K.-U. Weiß, R. Dippel, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann and A.M. Bradshaw
Phys. Rev. B 49, 7729-7733 (1994).

12. Photoelectron diffraction investigation of the adsorption site and local structure for potassium on Ni(111), R. Davis, X.-M. Hu, D.P. Woodruff, K.-U.Weiß, R. Dippel, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, V. Fritzsche and A.M. Bradshaw
Surf. Sci., 307-309, 632-638 (1994).

11. Determination of the local adsorption structure of acetylene on Ni(111), S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, D.P. Woodruff, C. Casado and M.C. Asensio
Surf. Sci., 307-309, 722-727 (1994).

10. Direct identification of atomic and molecular adsorption sites using photoelectron diffraction, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, S. Bao, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
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9. The geometric structure of the surface methoxy species on Cu(111), Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, S. Bao, D.E. Ricken, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
Surf. Sci. 304, 74-84 (1994).

8. Following the changes in local geometry associated with a surface reaction: the dehydrogenation of adsorbed ethylene, S. Bao, Ph. Hofmann, K.-M. Schindler, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, D.P. Woodruff, C. Casado and M.C. Asensio
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 6, L93-L98 (1994).


7. Is the frequency of the internal mode of an adsorbed diatomic molecule a reliable guide to its local adsorption site?, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, K.-U. Weiß, R. Dippel, P. Gardner, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw, D.P. Woodruff, M.E. Davila, M.C. Assensio, J.C. Conesa and A.R. Gonzalez-Elipe
J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 64-65, 75-83 (1993).

6. Experimental demonstrations of direct adsorbate site identification using photoelectron diffraction, K.-M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, V. Fritzsche, S. Bao, S. Kulkarni, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
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5. Direct adsorbate-structure determination by scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction, Ph. Hofmann and K.-M. Schindler
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4. The local adsorption structure of acetylene on Cu(111), S. Bao, K. M. Schindler, Ph. Hofmann, V. Fritzsche, A.M. Bradshaw and D.P. Woodruff
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3.Dielectric function of cubic and hexagonal CdS in the vacuum ultraviolet region, Ph. Hofmann, K. Horn, A.M. Bradshaw, R.L. Johnson, D. Fuchs and M. Cardona,
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2. Nitrogen layers on Rh(110) 1×1 and Rh(110) 1×2 surfaces produced by NO+H2 reaction: structure, stability and desorption kinetics, G. Comelli, S. Lizzit, Ph. Hofmann, G. Paolucci, M. Kiskinova and R. Rosei
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1. Interaction of atomic nitrogen with Rh(110), S. Lizzit, G. Comelli, Ph. Hofmann, G. Paolucci, M. Kiskinova and R. Rosei
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